Category Archive: Technology

The campaign that didn’t


“Nine months after the release of KONY 2012, nothing has really changed.”

Blog you like a hurricane


The most insightful information to come out of Hurricane Sandy has been that of everyday people blogging about the disaster from their many individual points of view.

Facebook: Should your voice be defined by your bank balance?


Let’s tell Facebook that we’re worth more than this.

Can we ever really #stopthetrolls?


What is wrong with our culture that we’re willing to accept bullying and harassment because it’s just too hard?

Gina Rinehart – Meme Mining


There is a big difference between criticising someone for their actions, their words or their values and criticising someone for their gender or appearance.

A brief note about Charlotte Dawson


There’s plenty you can read about Charlotte Dawson and the week she’s had. I won’t add much more to the discussion other than to say this: No one has the right to value… Continue reading

Fish: How your choices affect the ocean


Using technology to make smarter eating choices