Category Archive: Health

SBS Insight: Transgender


SBS Insight hosts some of Australia’s most important and challenging conversations. This episode looks into the lives of young transgendered Australians and their parents. A must-watch for anyone interested in the role gender plays… Continue reading

Preventative healthcare – not just for old people


You’re never too young to begin looking after yourself.

Calling for Submissions – Health


April is Health month on We Matter Media. Share your stories.

Environment and Sustainability


Welcome to 2013. After a contentious 2012 for the environment and particularly the politics of the environment (Carbon tax anyone?) where do we stand in 2013 when it comes to the environment and… Continue reading

“Anxiety is very real, every anxiety-ridden thought I have is raw and true”


What’s life like for a young person with anxiety?

2 months of self imposed sobriety


This year I did the unthinkable: I became a twenty-something male who quit drinking for nine weeks.

Pinterest in change


It seems where there’s excess, there are opportunities to make a difference. You just need to find the right platform.

A brief note about Charlotte Dawson


There’s plenty you can read about Charlotte Dawson and the week she’s had. I won’t add much more to the discussion other than to say this: No one has the right to value… Continue reading

Drown – The Movie


Drown follows the story of three surf life savers on a big night out and addresses issues of homophobia, bullying, masculinity and mate-ship.

Real men don’t photoshop


Let’s embrace imperfection, irregularity and difference whilst rejecting digitally enhanced, unattainable perfection.